What will the One Room Schoolhouse in Porter, TX be?
The One Room Schoolhouse will be a literature- and nature-based kindergarten to 8th grade micro-school in Porter, Texas. The core classes will be Monday through Thursday 8:30am to 12 noon. From 12 noon to 3 pm, there will be optional Latin, classical music appreciation, and creative time. The exact location will be decided but it will be near Valley Ranch in Porter or somewhere in Kingwood. The class size will be limited to 10 students including my own 3 children, a 5th grader, a 3rd grader, and a kindergarten.
I am a former teacher, and I have taught elementary school as well as junior high math and science. I have also taught algebra as well. I also have experiencing homeschooling my own children.
Most of the subjects will be taught in multi-level groups. The exceptions will be math and English/Language Arts, which will be taught individually at the student’s own pace or in small groups.
The philosophies that will inform the learning at the One Room Schoolhouse will be the Charlotte Mason method and classical education. The books read will be literature instead of textbooks, and there will be a focus on narration (tell back what was read) instead of worksheets. Worksheets/workbooks will only be used in math and English/language arts.
We will spend time outside during at least some of the reading and we will do frequent nature walks.
I will add links soon with more information about Charlotte Mason and classical education.
Details of the curriculum to be used are here.
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